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Welcome to John Polanyi Collegiate's Official Newspaper! 

We are so excited to start such a great school legacy! The [Paw] Print is made by the students of JPCI, for the students of JPCI. We firmly believe that a school newspaper is more than just school updates, it's about us. It's about the people at our school, our opinions and our lives, it's real and unfiltered. It's The [Paw] Print.

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Notable Events:
  • Asian and Jewish Heritage month

  • Student Council election for 2018-2019 is now open

Submitted by [Print] Photographers

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© 2017 The [Paw] Print

The Paw [Print]is run by and for the students of John Polanyi Collegiate Institute. It publishes reviews, photos, opinions, videos, interviews, news,and artwork, that represents life at JPCI. The [Paw] Print aims to provide a voice for all students. The paper will not, however, publish work that insults or denigrates individuals; it will not publish work that attacks individuals or groups on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, religion, age, disability, political views, etc.

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